Isra wal Miraj: Play for Children Script

This year for Isra wal Miraj we are posting the script of our Isra wal Miraj play for children in case there are any people who are interested in producing the play as well.  We only ask that if you do please send us pictures.

So far we have the play available in English and Arabic and we hope to make the play available in any other language if you would like to do so and send it to us.  You are most welcome to translate the script if you don’t mind to send us a copy so we can post it for others.

Isra Wal Miraj Script: English

Buraq: children do a dance with peacock feathers

Narrator: On this great night Allah called the Prophet (s) to heaven on the back of the magnificent Buraq with the tail of beautiful feathers.

1. Angels standing in Quaim
Narrator: In the first heaven the Prophet (s) saw the Angels standing in Qiam.
He asked for this beautiful Qiam for the prayer of the Muslims.

2. Angels bowing in Ruku.
Narrator: In the second heaven the Angels bow in Ruku. The Prophet(s) found this beautiful and asked for Ruku to be part of our prayer.

3. Angels in sajda

Narrator: In the third heaven the Angels were in Sajda. They raised their heads to greet the Prophet (s) and this is why we put our heads to the ground twice in our prayer.

4. Salsa’il

Narrator: In the fourth heaven the Angels stand in Qiam, bend in Ruku and Sajda. The Prophet(s) was impressed by the focus with their eyes and concentration and asked for this to be part of our prayer.

5. Angels in Qada

Narrator: In the 5th heaven the Angels sit in Qada. The Prophet(s) asked Allah(s) if he could have this posture in our prayer and his dua was accepted.
The sea of wrath: the children agitate a blue sheet to symbolize the sea of wrath
Narrator: In this heaven the sea of wrath that descended to earth in the time of Prophet Nuh(a) rolls and boils.

6. Angel Mikhail weighing the souls
Mikail weighs a soul (butterfly) that is heavy because it is from the nation of Muhammad(s).

Mikail is surrounded by many other angels sitting cross legged.
Narrator: In the sixth heaven the angel Mikail weighs our souls and finds the nation of Muhammad(s) be of greater weight than any other.

7. The sidratul muntaha
Angels will hold 7 palm fronds together like they are the trunk while the narrator explains the significance of the sidratul muntaha.

Narrator: The Prophet(s) reached the sidratul muntaha where angels sit like butterflies all over the tree. The Angels were so happy to see the Prophet(s) that they thanked Allah(s).

8. The sea of mercy and the pebble.
Ocean of Mercy: child in white (with olive tree branches held around him by other children) will throw a tiny lentil/pebble into an ocean (blue) sheet.

Narrator: In the presence of his lord the Prophet (s) saw an endless sea and a tree on its shore. In the tree sat a dove with a tiny pebble the size of a lentil.

(The child will pretend to take the pebble from its mouth.)

Narrator: The Lord said the tree is your world

-the dove is your nation

-the pebble is the sins of your nation

-the sea is my mercy upon you all
(The child will drop the pebble in the ocean, the other kids will shake the sheet gently so it rolls)
Narrator: And the pebble will fall into the endless sea of my mercy and dissolve into nothing.
And the Prophet (s) returned to the world, descending through the night and sky, and into the room where he slept before he ascended to the presence of the Lord of Heavens…

And the bed was still warm.

Isra wal Miraj Play: Arabic

Please see our other posts for Isra wal Miraj: Isra wal Miraj: ScrollIsra wal Miraj: Play PerformanceIsra wal Miraj: The Tree of Life .

Please share your ideas and experiences with the Isra wal Miraj play for children and your inspiration for celebrating the Isra wal Miraj holiday with children.

Please see our new book Isra wal Miraj for children available now on Amazon which includes a copy of the play in english.


We have moved!!!

Salaams to all,

Our website has moved to a new address because some people were having difficulty spelling the old name. The new name is Muslim Family Traditions at

Please follow us there if you wish to continue receiving our posts. Thank you and have a lovely day!

The Tree of Light Vol 2: Part 3

This is our third sample of The Tree of Light Vol 2 concerning the lives of the Prophets.  In this adaptation of Hajiah Amina Adil’s beautiful and comprehensive history of the Prophets a sage grandfather recounts the stories of the Prophets to his two adventurous grandsons who find that the lives of the Prophets have come to life.


“Why did the water heal Ayyoub (a).”


“It was special water.  Magical water.”


“Can I have some magic water for my burn?”


“If you make dua and ask Allah (s) to heal you then maybe your prayer will be answered.”


Sulayman put up his hands and asked and then opened one eye.  “Where is the water Grandfather?”


“It is coming, just rest a little longer, you will see.”


“Why did the water make his wife young again?”


“Ayyoub (a) was sad that his strong faith and patience with his illness made other people doubt in the power of God.  So, Allah (s) sent a miracle in the water for Ayyoub (a) and Rahma (r) to strengthen the faith of their followers.” 


“I would believe if Allah (s) sent magic water for my burn.”

Allah (s) then rained locusts of silver that became barley and locusts of gold that became wheat. Wealth and prosperity returned to the lands of Ayyoub (a). Rahma (r) reminded Ayyoub (a) of his oath to punish her when he saw her hair cut and Ayyoub (a) was sad because he knew now that she was innocent.  His Lord told him to punish her very lightly with some rushes so that he would not hurt her.

“Why did she tell him to punish her.”


“She did not want him to forget his promise to Allah (s).”


“But wasn’t she joking?  Didn’t she know that Allah knew the truth.”




“She had strong faith and so yes she knew that Allah (s) knew the truth and was her witness.  And she knew her husband just as all ladies know their husbands.  It is wrong to accuse ladies of being bad without proof and if it is not true.  Allah (s) does not like this; the Prophet Muhammad (s) said that the best men are the ones having the best manners with ladies.” 

Some say Ayyoub (a) lived 290 years and some say he lived 93 and Allah (s) knows best.

Grandfather put his beads in his pocket and looked down. Sulayman was now asleep but his brow was knit with pain and he shifted in his sleep.  Grandfather went to the toy chest in the corner.  He said a special prayer, “Authu bi kalimati-llahi-tammati min sharri ma khalaq.”1and lifted the lid.  He took a small bottle of water with a tiny cork from the chest and placed one drop of the water in Sulayman’s mouth and poured a little on his burns and then watched as the burns faded away to nothing.  He replaced the lavender oil bandages and pulled the blanket up around Sulayman before putting the small glass bottle back into the toy chest and closing it once more. 

Grandfather looked over at Sulayman who now rested peacefully.  All the pain had gone from his brow and he rested well.  Grandfather smiled at Yusuf and watched him doing all this with a twinkle in his eyes while pretending to sleep.  He tucked Yusuf in before going to take wudu (ablution) for Isha prayer. 


Maqam of Ayyoub (a) in Basra


Another maqam attributed to Prophet Ayyoub (a) in Oman.



1“I seek refuge on the perfect words of Allah Almighty from the evil that which He has created.”

The Tree of Light Vol 2: Part 2

This is our second sample of The Tree of Light Vol 2 concerning the lives of the Prophets.  In this adaptation of Hajiah Amina Adil’s beautiful and comprehensive history of the Prophets a sage grandfather recounts the stories of the Prophets to his two adventurous grandsons who find that the lives of the Prophets have come to life.


One day a storm came and blew away all of Ayyoub’s (a) wealth including his fields, animals and possessions.  Iblis ran to Ayyoub (a) in the mosque and asked him how he could pray to an unseen God while he lost everything.  Ayyoub (a) said that if Iblis were good he would have been blown away as well.   The angels celebrated the faith of Ayyoub (a) and this angered Iblis very much.

Iblis then assembled the family of Ayyoub (a) and brought an earthquake on their heads. When Iblis ran to tell Ayyoub (a) he said that if there had been any good in Iblis he would have died in the earthquake. Iblis then said that Ayyoub (a) only continued to worship his Lord because he had good health.  Allah (s) gave Iblis permission to harm the health of Ayyoub (a).

Iblis blew a poison from Hell onto Ayyoub (a) and he became swollen and burned, covered in sores that were infected with worms.  Then Iblis ran to tell all the people of the village that Ayyoub (a) was so afflicted because he would not worship the idol.

“Why did Allah (s) let Iblis burn Ayyoub (a)?”  Sulayman asked.


“Hmm.”  Grandfather turned his prayer beads in his fingers, “Ayyoub (a) had these tests by the permission of his Lord to show us something.  Are you knowing what that something is?” 


Sulayman frowned, thinking hard.  “That Iblis is bad?  Iblis is going to hurt us.  I don’t want Iblis to bother me.”


“Allah (s) is teaching us that Ayyoub (a) is an example.  He will not stop loving Allah (s) because he loses the good things of Dunya, this world, because the good things of Dunya have no value compared to the good things of Akhira, the eternal world.  What reward do we have in Akhira?”


“Candy!” piped Yusuf. 


“Yes, candy and toys and cake and …” said Sulayman.


“Yes, well, something like that,” said Grandfather.


The people of the village thought that the illness of Ayyoub (a) was contagious and so they made Ayyoub (a) leave.  His wife Rahma (r) carried him to the wilderness and nursed him during his illness. For years Rahma (r) travelled far looking for work to feed Ayyoub (a).  It was hard to find a place where Iblis had not warned the people to turn her away because her husband was a leper.

“What is a leper?”


“Leprosy is a sickness.  It is easy to cure now but in the time of Ayyoub (a) it was a grave illness that people were very afraid of because of the terrible things it did to the body,

 and they knew that it was contagious and that if you had it you could make other people ill as well. 

So, they would make people with this illness go away and not live near the healthy.”


“Did his wife have the sickness?”




“Why not?”


“Allah (s) protected her and she had very strong faith.”

One day when Rahma (r) went to work her mistress said she would give her no work and no food unless she cut her hair so she did and took the bread home to her husband. In this time ladies with short hair were people who had done bad things.  Ayyoub (a) was upset to see her like this and said that he would punish her. Rahma (r) said she did nothing wrong and Allah (s) was her witness.

Ayyoub (a) slowly healed but his followers were confused by his condition and could not understand how Allah (s) would allow an enlightened person to suffer so much. They returned to the worship of idols because they were afraid to be ill like Ayyoub (a).  This made Ayyoub (a) very sad and he asked his Lord for help.

Ayyoub (a) was directed by his Lord to a certain place and his followers came to see what he was doing.  He struck the ground with his foot and water came from that place shooting up to the sky.  The water washed away the sickness of Ayyoub (a).  When Rahma (r) came she was returned to youth and beauty as well by the water and the followers of Ayyoub (a) begged his forgiveness.

The Tree of Light Vol 2: part 1

This is our first sample of The Tree of Light Vol 2 concerning the lives of the Prophets.  In this adaptation of Hajiah Amina Adil’s beautiful and comprehensive history of the Prophets a sage grandfather recounts the stories of the Prophets to his two adventurous grandsons who find that the lives of the Prophets have come to life.


13 AYYOUB (a)


Sulayman and Yusuf were eating their supper when Yusuf threw a small dinner roll at Sulayman from across the table.  Sulayman jumped up to throw it back and hit the table a little too hard toppling his bowl of hot soup into his lap.  He started screaming because the soup burned his skin and his mother took him quickly to clean up the hot mess. 

She changed his clothes and put aloe gel from the garden and some lavender oil before Grandfather came with Yusuf to tell their bedtime story.  Yusuf looked at Sulayman’s burns with fascination and pulled away to hide behind Grandfather when he saw Sulayman’s red and blistered skin. 

Grandfather put Yusuf on the other couch and sat next to Sulayman and rubbed his head while Sulayman whimpered about the pain. Mother came and applied more lavender oil and brought Sulayman some tea sweetened with honey to help with the pain and help him rest.  As Grandfather started the story Sulayman began to relax and felt a little lightheaded. 


The father of Ayyoub (a) was called Mus and he was from the family of Ishaq (a) and Yaqub (a).  The mother of Ayyoub (a) was Anoos and she was from the daughters of Lut (a).  Ayyoub (a) was handsome and wealthy and lived in the land of Qudsiya near Damascus.  His wife Rahma (r) was from the family of Yusuf (a) and his son Ephraim.


Map of Jerusalem


Ayyoub (a) spent the night and part of day praying and thanking his Lord in a little mosque.  The angels praised Ayyoub (a) so much that Iblis became jealous.  Iblis said that if Ayyoub (a) lost all his wealth and good fortune he would no longer love his Lord.  Allah (s) said that this was not so and Ayyoub (a) would remain unchanged in his heart no matter what happened to his wealth and gave Iblis permission to change the situation of Ayyoub (a).


Pool of Paradise: The Egret

This is the 20th part of our Pool of Paradise project for children in Ramadan.




The Egret twirled before the company with wings outstretched like a dervish and then folded them and bowed.


“When I turn I am with the sun and travel the seven tracts through the sky in great company.  Why should one that journeys the sky as I do seek to travel farther?”


The Hoopoe said, “Dear Egret, you must learn humility if you are to succeed.  We must learn from the Prophet Muhammad (s).  One day he was offered a bunch of grapes by a poor and sincere man and the Prophet (s) ate every one.  When later asked why he did not share this gift he said that the grapes were sour and he did not want the man to be shy that his gift was not sweet.”


“You go round and round in circles like an ambitious bat with no direction.  Whirl dear dervish of the birds if you must, but you will not ascend if your heart is not still and steadfast in your chest.  You cannot seek the sun if you are blind.  While you whirl your heart must be still.”

The Egret twirled round and round toward their horizon and followed the Hoopoe.




After reading the passage about the Egret have your child add the Egret medallion to the pool to the left of the Turtledove.


Discussion questions:  What is the ego of the Egret?  The Egret is known as the whirling dervish bird; what are we supposed to do when we whirl?


Please share your ideas for teaching children the rites of Ramadan.

Please see out new book for this project:  The Pool of Paradise: A 30 Day Curriculum.


Pool of Paradise: The Goldfinch

This is the 18th part of our Pool of Paradise project for children in Ramadan.




The goldfinch fluttered to the perch and cried, “I am afraid to make this journey because I fear the flame of desire.  I have come close to the sun before and so took my flame yellow feathers.  I wish to go with you to join the one whom my soul loves but I have been burnt before.  We will follow you dear Hoopoe on the tracks of the flock.”


The Hoopoe spoke, “Ayyoub (a) withstood many trials and his love for Allah (s) did not diminish.  He was wealthy and prosperous with many things to be thankful for and Shaitan whispered that Ayyoub (a) only loved Allah (s) because of his good fortune.  Allah (s) sent much hardship and pain to Ayyoub (a) to see if this was true and his love did not diminish.  Our Lord knows that there are three kids of believers: one that comes near the flame of love and is warmed by the love of God.  Another touches the flame and is burnt by the love of God.  And the last throws themselves into the flame in fannah (annihilation).  If we are to succeed in our quest we must desire the presence of our Lord as Ayyoub (a) and not fear the flames.”


The Goldfinch trilled loudly and rose up into the light of the moon until she disappeared for a moment in the bright light before sinking slowly to her branch and turning to follow their company.




After reading the passage about the Goldfinch have your child add the Goldfinch medallion to the pool to the left of the Woodpecker.


Discussion questions:  Why does the Goldfinch want to make the journey even though he fears the fire?  How does the Hoopoe explain the flame of Allah’s (s) love?






Please share your ideas for teacing the rites of Ramadan to children.

Please see out new book for this project:  The Pool of Paradise: A 30 Day Curriculum.


The Ramadan Table

Our inspiration for the Ramadan Table this year is the Moon Garden.  A Moon Garden features while flowers that bloom in the night to save energy.  The flowers are white because they are pollinated by bats and moths and not bees.

We began by gathering the flowers, vines and mint while out on a family nature walk.

We picked mint from our family garden.

White flowers are also know for their fragrance.  We chose Wild Honeysuckle but Gardeina, White Rose and Jasmine would also work for this concept.

We also featured citrus which is very popular when added to food and drink while Ramadan falls in the summer months.  We hope to do a post soon about making mint lemonade for Iftar.

The eggs are our cosmic element because they can symbolize the universe and the egg surface and texture reminds me of the face of the moon.

We already had these fantastic terrariums with ferns, moss and pebbles so we added our foliage, citrus and eggs with the place settings to make the table.

Please share your ideas for making the Ramadan special for your children at Iftar.

Please see our other Ramadan project:

Ramadan: Pool of Paradise Introduction


Pool of Paradise: The Flamingo

This is the 16th part of our Pool of Paradise project for children in Ramadan.




The Flamingo swished forward and tucked his leg under his breast.  I am too beautiful to be ruined by a long and dangerous journey.


“You are truly the Bird of Vanity,” scolded the Hoopoe, and he went on.


“Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.

All streams run to the sea,

but the sea is not full;

to the place where the streams flow,

there they flow again.

the eye is not satisfied with seeing,

What has been is what will be,

and what has been done is what will be done,

and there is nothing new under the sun.”



“So if you should think yourself special and unique dear Flamingo than think again.”


The Flamingo was shamed and then said that he was afraid of sorrow and pain and sacrifice.


So the Hoopoe said,


“For in much wisdom is much vexation,

and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.” (Ecclesiastes)


“It is so that the wise will know the hour of their death and be somber thereafter.  But you should be more somber still for you know not the hour of yours or the reward that you will lose in your next life through your ignorance.”


The Flamingo lowered his head and unwound his foot to follow upon the tail feathers of the Hoopoe to the Pool of Paradise.




After reading the passage about the Flamingo have your child add the Flamingo medallion to the pool to the left of the Seagull.


Discussion questions:  What is the ego of the Flamingo?  Are we also afraid of pain and sacrifice?  How does Shaitan try to trick us out of connection with to the Divine?




Please share your ideas for teaching children the rites of Ramadan.

Please see out new book for this project:  The Pool of Paradise: A 30 Day Curriculum.


Pool of Paradise: The Lovebird

This is the 14th part of our Pool of Paradise project for children in Ramadan.




The Lovebird cooed and folded his wings beside him.  He said that he was a sinner and inconstant in spirit except in love.


“I sometimes love so much that all else disappears.  It tis a sin, is it not, to love another more than Allah (s).  How can I love Allah (s) more than all else so that I might make the journey from love rather than obligation?”


The Hoopoe spoke, “The Prophet Muhammad (s) loved Aisha (r) so much that Allah (s) became jealous.  Your love does not disqualify you any more than it disqualified the Prophet (s).  Just remember that the one that made the one you love is your Lord.  You are asked to love and remember your Lord as well because without your Lord you would have nothing to love.”


The Dove cooed in agreement and unwound her wings to follow her heart to Mount Qaf.




After reading the passage about the Lovebird have your child add the Lovebird medallion to the pool to the left of the Ostrich.


Discussion questions:  Why does the Lovebird want to love Allah (s)?  How does the Lovebird use his love to find his motivation?



Please share your ideas for teaching children about the rites of Ramadan.

Please see out new book for this project:  The Pool of Paradise: A 30 Day Curriculum.


muslim family traditions