18. Illuminated Quran: The Cave Lesson Review

Tonight we reviewed the lesson for 18. Illuminated Quran: The Cave.

For this surah we learned about the people of the cave who slept for a very long time.  My son wanted to know why the people were asleep and I told him that Allah (s) made them to sleep.  My son wanted to know why the world had changed while the people were sleeping and I said that they were asleep for a very long time.  My son wanted to know if the would will change on the Day of Judgement and I said that yes it probably would  change.

I asked my son what he would think if he woke up after hundreds of years and the world had changed.  He said that he would pray to Allah (s) to go to Jenna if he did not like the new life or maybe ask Allah (s) to send him back to his own time.

The following section is part of our Tree of Prophets project: Tree of Prophets: Dhul Qarnain (a)

My son wanted to know how Dhul Qarnain’s father was killed and I said I could not remember but I would look it up.

When we read about the invasion of Cannibals in Egypt my son said that was disgusting.  He wanted to know why they eat other people.  I said that I did not know why these cannibals ate people but that they did it on purpose and the Egyptians were afraid of them.  My son then told me that he had never eaten a human before in his whole life and he wanted to know if you can die from eating a human.  I said that yes you could get very sick that way.


We learned that Dhul Qarnain traveled with saints and philosophers and my son wanted to know what philosophers were.  I told him that philosophers are people who think a lot.  My son asked where do we need to think a lot and I said that school can be one place we need to think alot or if you have a complicated problem.

We learned that Dhul Qarnain traveled to China and my son asked if we could go to China and I said maybe and said we would ask Baba.

When we learned about Yajooj and Majooj my son wanted to know why they had big ears and hair.  I said that they were probably born that way.  My son wanted to know why Dhul Qarnain put them in a metal prison and I said because they are dangerous.

My son wanted to know if there are more monster people and I said maybe.  My son wanted to know if Yajooj and Majooj could get out.  I told him they will get out at the end of time.  We learned that after they escape and devastate the earth Allah (s) will destroy them and throw their bodies into the sea.  My son asked why, if they will be destroyed because they are bad.  I said they are dangerous but I didn’t know if they mean to be bad.

We learned about the spring of life that Khidr (a) and Iliyas (a) drank from.  My son wanted to know if it was magical water and I said yes it was not ordinary water.

After reviewing the story of Dhul Qarnain I asked my son what things he saw on his adventures.  My son mentioned Yajooj and Majooj and then he was very interested to know if Dhul Qarnain ever saw zombies.

After reviewing the story of Khidr (a) we talked about different kinds of knowledge and how it was hard for Musa (a) to understand the wisdom of Khidr (a).  We talked about how Khidr (a) has secret knowledge that others do not understand.  I asked my son if we ask why when bad things happen.  He said yes and we talked about how there can be secret reasons for why bad things happen like in the story of Khidr (a) and Musa (a).

Please share your ideas for exploring the meaning of the Quran with children.


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